dress appropriately and professionally
As soon as you enter the area of the job fair get the map of company locations. Take the time to 'x' the companies you want to visit and make a plan to efficiently visit them. Also,Cheap Apple Imac for sale, don't be afraid to switch your plan if you see one of your prospective companies does not have a long line. Go there first and get it out of the way (don't forget to 'x' it off of your list).
To recap: find the appropriate job fair; do your research; make and follow your plan; prepare tailored resumes; have your approach prepared for recruiters; dress appropriately and professionally; and relax. Look out for the next installment titled 'The Interview' Article 2 of 2 (Job Strategies),Cheap Intel Core i7 Processor for sale.
General Job Fairs
The Approach
Good places to look for work are job fairs. There are two types of job fairs which are general and specialized. Do your research before you attend or register for the job fair so that you don't waste gas, money or time.
General job fairs attract all-comers and are generally for lower paying jobs (fine if that is what you want or need). Most of these job fairs do not require registration and are held in very large facilities such as sports stadiums. These job fairs depend on large numbers to fill their job slots. Some of the types of companies at these job fairs are call centers, fast food restaurants or retailers. Job titles include associate, crew member, customer service representative, processor or server.
When you approach the recruiter stand tall and give a firm handshake. Here are some tips:
Sales rose 19 percent to 105 million pounds in the year to March, and the firm opened 33 stores,Top 10 Christmas Gift Ideas 2010_40286., taking the total to 118."With the broad appeal of our products across the globe and the strong customer response to our brand in both the UK and Asia, we look to the future with confidence," Wilson stressed.
Look for job fairs that are either in your field or degree level. For example, all participants must have a Bachelor's Degree. You can find these types of job fairs from your graduating college; your field of work website; or your field's membership organization. Of course, do not forget to ask around.
When you are finished speaking with the recruiter, be sure to give another firm handshake and thank him or her for their time.
You should have a lot of copies of your tailored and general resumes and do not worry about printing them on good paper because these are for mass distribution (20 lb. paper is fine). Here is where your research beforehand comes in handy so you will have resumes tailored to potential job opportunities. When you register, look at the companies that will be at the job fair. Go on the companies' websites that you might be interested in and write a little blurb about each one. Now tailor your resume to each company's job offerings. Include copies of general resumes to give to unexpected potential employers.
The retailer,Cheap Sony LED TV for sale,Real Madrid and now Milan., founded in West London 20 years ago by English fashion designer Cath Kidston, grew by 33 to 118 shops over the year. The retailer has 58 stores across the country after launching eight over the year. The number of stores in overseas markets including China and Hong Kong has also overtaken UK stores for the first time. Were investing the profits back into the business.
Dress according to what is appropriate for your profession. In general, you should dress professionally. Women should dress in a solid colored business suit and men should do the same (not the time to play coordinating jacket, slacks and/or skirts). Women,Cheap BlackBerry mobile phone for sale, remember to wear comfortable leather shoes because you will be doing a lot of walking. Men be sure that your shoes are clean, neat and of quality leather. Personal grooming and hygiene should be of the utmost importance. Fragrance should be kept at a minimum or not worn at all. Carry a neat attache versus a brief case and leave the trinkets on the company tables because you don't want to look cluttered when you extend your shaking hand. Get any mementos after your hard work is completed.
The Game Plan
As a British brand it is very important for us to be successful in the UK," chief executive Kenny Wilson said, stressing that despite the potential overseas,Cheap Apple ipad 2 for sale, where international sales are up 53 percent, he remains committed to growing business closer to home.
Specialized Job Fairs
Look the recruiter directly in the eye; speak clearly, deliberately,000 kilo-watt-hours, and at a moderate pace; answer questions directly as asked (i.e., answer only what is asked in a succinct manner); and be prepared with a brief spiel when asked one of these two questions - tell me a little about yourself and/or tell me a little about your working background.
Dress Code