At one of the markers down the Barnegat channel
2. Identifying Shelters or Safe Areas. The general guideline for storms that are approaching is that whenever a thunderstorm is imminent, take or find shelter. When a sudden downpour occurs you need to locate a cove or marina where you can anchor or tie up. Binoculars are a great resource to help find a location quickly.
Jeans label Levi's is rapidly closing in on the top three and jumped from tenth to fifth place last year with 17.8 million fans. Louis Vuitton is another big climber. Within just one year, the fashion house moved from the 24th position to the ninth with 13.4 million likes.
The highest listed newcomer is Vans. With 10.9 million fans, the brand now occupies 13th place on the FashionUnited Facebook Index.
5. Binoculars are easy to transport-Unlike with hiking and birding, you don't have to always wear them around your neck or carry them while on board. After a while, binoculars can wear you down, even the compact models that weigh less than 30 oz. On a sailboat, you can stow them away anywhere and use them only when you choose to. I recommend buying a pair of binoculars to keep on the boat at all times. This way, you know you have them, and you'll have less to carry on and off the sailboat before and after each trip.
Growing up in a sailing family along the Toms River in New Jersey and spending many a weekend sailing on the Barnegat Bay, I am often surprised to find that few sailors carry or use binoculars. A good pair of compact binoculars or marine binoculars should be basic equipment on every cruising sailboat regardless of its size. This article will list five good reasons why sail boating enthusiasts should always bring binoculars aboard.
1. Identifying landmarks and helping with navigation. Usually when day sailing,Discount iphone 5, navigation is accomplished by sight, compass and charts. However, when the weather is a bit too foggy or hazy it becomes difficult to see familiar landmarks,Cheap ipad 2, channel markers or destinations. Also, I've found that sometimes charts can be outdated-even the one recently purchased at the marina. Speaking from experience,buy iphone 4s, having a nice pair of binoculars aboard brings you convenience,Wholesale Samsung Phone, comfort, and assurance; knowing that they can definitely assist you in the navigation process if necessary.
These are just a few reasons why binoculars and sail boating go together. When purchasing a pair of binoculars for ocean sail boating, always make sure your exit pupil (objective lens size divided by magnification X) is at least 5, and preferably closer to 7. This will minimize the difficulty you may experience trying to stabilize your binoculars in rougher conditions. For bay, river or lake sailing, your exit pupil can be lower-anywhere 3½ to 5 will suffice. Also, boating binoculars should always be water-proof,* Distance, so makes sure you check. Try the Nikon 7x50 Action Extreme Binoculars #7239 for great value that won't break your bank. I would also recommend a pair of binoculars with a built in compass. They bring you an additional navigation feature and are real fun to use. Try the ATN 7x50C Omega Class Binocular with built-in compass. Again, a great value for the quality and durability you'll receive.
3. Locating a mooring or place to anchor for the evening. Our family frequently travels to the Caribbean Islands to bare-boat sail. After a long day of sailing,discount ipad 3, we are always looking to locate our evening anchoring spot. There are also several locations in the British Virgin Islands that offer moorings that you can use to tie down over night. We bring a pair of binoculars with us so that when we approach a cove containing a group of moorings, we know which ones are available from afar before we make our final approach.
Online T-shirt design shop Threadless is once again the most popular brand on Twitter with 2.146,000 jobs were cut. As a result,194 followers, followed closely by US brand TOMS, with 2.141,036 followers. Just like on Facebook, Victoria's Secret scores high on Twitter. With over 2 million followers, the lingerie brand is good for third place.
Victoria's Secret's little sister, Victoria Secret Pink, had a hard time keeping up with its competition and was forced to relinquish four places. Abercrombie & Fitch, however,think 110 degrees and above, dropped the furthest. The Facebook page featuring pictures of buffed men was clearly not as in demand this year as it fell from 15th to 22nd place with 7.5 million likes.
4. General Observation-who says bird watching and sailing can't be combined? As long as you're out there you may as well take it all in. At one of the markers down the Barnegat channel, there is a nest that is home to a family of Ospreys. It is great using a pair of binoculars to see them up close. There are also several other beautiful sea birds out there; and marine binoculars are a great way to see them in their natural habitat. Besides bird watching, there are some gorgeous homes and boats along the Toms River. Binoculars are a great way to get a closer look.