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were requi…
トリーバーチ 10/31 06:45
Zhuge full…
paul smith 10/30 22:08
I'd like t…
john 10/29 00:57
Could you …
Peyton 10/27 21:22
モンクレール ダウン…
モンクレール 10/27 00:08
If you go …
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a bold pal…
10/30 09:26
a bold pal…
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it is not …
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You cant' "transform" yourself into a hardcore gangsta. If you weren't forced to live that way due to your surroundings then you're just a phony ass punk who deserves scorn. If only "Malibu's Most Wanted" had been released about ten years earlier so that these dumbasses could have seen themselves on the big screen.

If your parents hadn't been worried about your upbringing and getting your ass kicked everyday by real thugs, they would have never moved you away from the city to begin with. And if you really were so "hard", why the hell would you have to leave the city? Couldn't you fight your own battles in the "streets?" Whatever the case, the bottom line was these kids were mostly phonies. You have the saggy pants, two strap backpack wearing kid who draws amateur graffiti with sharpie pens on his sneakers and clothing. So by creating "tags" with bubble letters you are proving to us that you grew up in the worst circumstances in the "hood? Jackasses like Vanilla Ice and Marky Mark just reinforced the image.

Real disadvantaged youth from hellholes like Compton and Watts existed on MTV and deserved all the credibility in the world, but then there were also the phony white kids who acted all hard and transformed their "whitespeak" into a loose tongued southern-slang sounding mangling of the English language. "Whas' up B?" The lanky white kid from the Garden State, yes, he worked on his father's TOMATO farm in New Jersey and had migrated to the suburbs in the tri state area and had all of a sudden gained a "street" accent, and thought that he had qualified for Section 8. It just didn't make any sense.

The company has resented from significant investment in a new warehouse in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, built to help its online business. The company has also built two new stores in Aberdeen and Liverpool. AS reported by ‘The Independent’,Cheap Apple ipad 3 for sale,Mary Portas added, instead of exposing and selling stock,Enter the twenty first century shopping experience, they “offer shoppers a free cup of coffee and lots of computer screens to allow them to order products which can be delivered to their home the next day.”

This column is dedicated to those thuggish gangstas who relocate from inner city schools to "country" schools much like mine in years past. "Whas' up yo!" Okay, some of these kids have roots in the city. But, we're not going to go as far as to grant them total street cred since many are from gangsta paradises such as Long Island and suburban New Jersey. Just because you move to the country from a "city" doesn't grant you the gangsta lean that you think you somehow deserve. Come on.

After launching the re-vamped site, online sales jumped by 92% and now represent 7.4% of House of Fraser’s total sales during the year, and Houseoffraser,not very stylish and up-to-date. has now become the biggest ‘store’ in the retailer’s portfolio.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Along with a second distribution center, the group also launched a re-designed website, two new house brands and two concept stores under the banner of

日記 | 投稿者 eqlu46supq 15:05 | コメント(0)| トラックバック(0)